"night ops, anyone?" |
The latest buzz - and there is a lot of buzzing going on - is all about "Night Ops". Yesterday's tweet from Matt Higby served as the briefest of preludes to Totalbiscuit's You Tube release today. As reported earlier, TB headed down to SOE's studio in San Diego for a day last week to check out Planetside 2, the sequel to a game he says is easily in his top five games of all time. The video, after barely being available for 12 hours, has received over fifty thousand views, and the developers are tweeting it out there on a regular basis trying to push that number even higher.
The amount of information one could derive from TB's video is going to keep the community busy for weeks, but for me personally, the highlights were easily his time spent flying the Mosquito, the amazing lighting effects, and a really nice view of Indar's map. But I think the days of the community sitting around and dissecting the low-rez camera phone pictures tweeted out by the developers are coming to a close. The video Totalbiscuit recently put out represents less than a third of the total footage he took, much of which he's teasing with releasing next week, and if that weren't enough, Hamma of Planetside Universe is following in his footsteps on a similar pilgrimage to San Diego, and who knows what he'll bring back. Then there's E3 in the coming month.
More to the point, it's the precedent that all of this sets. The media is being given very liberal access to the game while it's in development - this isn't a studio that shields their work from the prying eyes of the internet, their exhibitionists to the last - they like it when we watch. But as far as I'm concerned, it's win win. We're fed a very steady diet of hype, and they get real-time feedback from and ever growing community. That's all for me tonight folks, enjoy the video - I'm going to go watch it again!
- Rob
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